

Warm weekend temps precede a big cooldown next week

and last updated

It's no secret that much of the country is baking in extreme heat and the Central Coast is not immune to those concerns over the next couple of days. Interior temperatures will continue to be in the 100-to-105-degree range through Sunday.

I think Monday temperatures are still right around 100 degrees, but a big change develops for Tuesday through Thursday. A ridge of high pressure continues to be well-footed in the four corners region of the desert southwest. The Central Coast is on the very western periphery of this ridge.

The ridge is strong enough to produce hot inland temperatures and warmer-than-average temperatures in the deeper interior valleys of the Central Coast including towns like San Luis Obispo and Santa Ynez for the weekend. I think highs in San Luis Obispo over the course of the weekend will be in the upper 80s and the Santa Ynez Valley will be nearly 100 degrees with our deeper interior valleys again being warm enough for potential extensions of heat advisories.


Water temperatures off the Central Coast are right around 60 degrees and with a little bit of onshore flow it's enough to keep temperatures at beaches and near coastal valleys very temperate. That being said, I think we'll see plenty of 60s and 70s at beaches and 70s and 80s in the near coastal valleys for the weekend.

In terms of low clouds, I think there will be spotty at best like they were on Friday morning. I expect we'll see a good amount of high cloud cover over the course of the next few days as the circulation around the four corners high should push some high clouds into the region but leave thunderstorms and rainfall too far South and east for us. Early next week Southern California could see some showers but again I think we're too far away to get in on that.

Next week is interesting with the cooldown developing Tuesday through Thursday but it looks to be short-lived.

Another ridge of high pressure backs in from the desert southwest Friday through the following weekend with interior temperatures returning to 100-plus degree readings. After that temperatures look to go on a bit of a roller coaster in the deeper extended forecast.