WeatherToday's Forecast


Temps to warm above normal into the holiday weekend

Despite the morning fog temps will begin a warming trend into the weekend ahead of much warmer temps next week.

Good morning, Central Coast!

As we kick off our Thursday morning cloud cover is the story for most communities. Thankfully for the most part visibility isn't impacted severely and we will see a decent morning. This fog does include Paso Robles though this morning as more dense marine fog made its way down the Salinas River Valley into the north county communities.

Skies will clear quickly, first for the interiors and slowly to the beaches where clouds will linger much of the day. This is also the pattern for the next few mornings.

Looking at the broader pattern a weak steering flow is currently hovering over the region, leading to what can best be described as dull, low-impact weather for the next few days.

Temperature shifts will be subtle, with most areas seeing highs only varying by a degree or two through Friday. Expect coastal highs to remain 2 to 5 degrees below normal, while the Cuyama Valley will be one of the few spots with temperatures about 2 degrees above average. Temps will stay on the cooler side by the coasts as well but still comfortable.

Into the holiday weekend and the extended forecast it is going to stay quiet although a weak trough passing to the north may trigger near-advisory level Sundowner winds west of Goleta starting Saturday, but overall impacts are expected to be minimal.

A weak ridge will build later on Saturday, persisting over the Central Coast through midweek. As offshore flow trends develop and continue, the extent of morning low clouds is expected to diminish, setting the stage for a warming trend from Saturday through Tuesday.

By Tuesday, most areas are forecast to be 3 to 6 degrees above normal, with the reduced marine layer and offshore winds contributing to clearer skies and warmer days. Some triple digit days are expected into mid next week.

Have a wonderful day Central Coast!