WeatherToday's Forecast


Temps to cool this weekend but heat returns quickly

A small trough of low pressure is headed our way and will cool temps this weekend but triple digits are waiting in the wings and will return to the interiors next week.

Good morning Central Coast!

As we kick off the morning conditions are great! Unlike the past few days sunshine is the story for this morning. Only a few areas of slight patchy dense fog are in place, so for many beaches that have faced fog each day clear skies are in place.

Winds are also calm to start off the day although with most communities in the 50s. Grab that extra layer, although you likely won't need it for long.

One quick note for the morning commute. An incident with a big rig in Paso Robles has closed portion of northbound 101. Here are details on the crash. This closure is expected to last through noon.

Interior valleys will reach into the upper 90s once again today. Mid 70s reaching towards 80 for coastal valleys and beaches clear in the mid 60s.

Tonight things are going to start to change. Winds will shift strongly onshore as a system presses into northern California. For us all that will mean is a cool down and much more marine fog for the weekend. Temps will fall below normal in Paso Robles for the first time in over a week. For even more context the last time Paso saw two days under normal was on July 28th.

The cooler weather will stick around for the weekend but by Sunday the low pressure will move on and another ridge of high pressure will move in. Triple digits will be back by Tuesday for interiors and even in the Climate Prediction Center 8-14 day forecast highs are staying above normal into the end of August.

Have a wonderful day and weekend Central Coast!