WeatherToday's Forecast


Mild weather returns Friday, the weekend will cool down even more

Another low pressure is headed our way and will cool our temps and bring more cloud cover to the west coast.
and last updated

Good morning, Central Coast and happy Friday!

As we head into the weekend things are looking great for our Friday, albeit not as great as we head into next week.

Diving right into this morning's conditions we have a little cloud cover and fog trying to form in Western Santa Barbara county limiting visibility especially around Buellton this morning.

Thankfully the winds that were problematic yesterday have calmed down significantly and while still noticeable are much less of a concern today.

Temps today are just a touch warmer than Thursday. Low 90s in the interiors (still below normal for this time of year) 70s to low 80s in the coastal valleys and 60s at the western beaches.

Into the weekend a low pressure will push south and drop temps more significantly. By Sunday highs for the interiors will be 15 to 20 degrees below normal for this time of year.

This system will bring the first significant chance for rain this season in the bay area but for us cloud cover is the main story. There is a very small chance for some of the showers making it to us but that is minimal at best.

There is another chance for a passing shower as a cold front pushes across the region Wednesday but that too is a very small chance.

Have a wonderful day and weekend Central Coast!