WeatherToday's Forecast


Hot temps are here once again, cooler by the beaches with more fog

Temps are soaring well above normal once again for the interior valleys across the Central Coast. Beaches will also warm up to a lesser extent.
and last updated

Good morning, Central Coast and happy Monday!

As we kick of the workweek there is a lot of dense fog to contend with across the beaches and coastal valleys.

Visibilities are so limited on many roadways that the National Weather Service has issued a dense fog advisory for the western beaches and coastal valleys through 10 a.m.

If you encounter dense fog on the morning commute be sure to take caution. The good news is that the fog will clear quickly and sunshine will be the story for most of the daytime hours.

The big heat up that began Sunday is thanks to offshore winds that orriginate from a low pressure system in the Pacific North West. This pattern will continue Monday and lead to the hottest day of the week. Highs in the interior valleys will make a run for triple digits. This marks a significant increase and well above normal temps. Coastal valleys will also be above normal, many reaching into the 80s. Beaches will start and end the day with fog but mid day sunshine will help them to heat up as well.

Fog will once again be the story Tuesday (and every morning) but a bigger change will come from the high pressure previously stated moving to the east. That will be quickly replaced by southerly winds continuing to bring warm air to the region. Wedensday will mark a cooldown but by late week we will once again be above normal.

90s in the interiors, 80s near SLO and 70s for Santa Maria and Santa Barbara.

The warm air will stay in place through the end of the month even into October.

Have a wonderful day Central Coast!