WeatherToday's Forecast


Dangerous heat continues Friday and into the weekend before it cools down more

The heat dome that continues to cause concern will start to weaken into the weekend ahead of a much cooler pattern next week.

Good morning Central Coast! It is another dangerously hot one out there today. Here is a look at what you need to know.

Thursday was a sweltering one with highs for many near records.

Long and complicated story short, we did hit record-breaking numbers but not at the exact locations where the climatology is kept. Suffice it to say it was hot and near records, but 2020 and 2022 were very hot and some of the records are going to be tough to exceed despite the hot forecast:

Today and Saturday are expected to be the most intense remainder of the forecast, with temperatures soaring 15 to 20 degrees above normal.

High pressure parked over Southern California is the culprit behind this heat wave. This system is compressing the atmosphere, leading to even hotter temperatures. Additionally, offshore winds will push warm air from inland areas towards the coast, further intensifying the heat.

I should also note that some models are showing some thunderstorm potential with the hot temps Friday in the mountains of Ventura and perhaps eastern SB County. The the model also shows some isolated activity coming up from the south Saturday afternoon. Small but non-zero chance.

While temperatures will begin to gradually decline starting Saturday, the heat will linger through the weekend. Expect valley temperatures to hover between 103 and 113 degrees even on Saturday, offering little relief from the scorching conditions. Overnight lows will also remain unusually high, making it difficult to recover from the daytime heat.

Heat alerts are still in effect for all of the Central Coast. Interior valleys are under an Excessive Heat Warning through 8 p.m. Saturday night. Coastal valleys and now (was expanded yesterday) beaches are under an Excessive Heat Advisory through 8 p.m. Friday night.

These alerts highlight the dangerous and potentially deadly nature of this heat wave. Residents are urged to take precautions, stay hydrated, and avoid strenuous outdoor activities during peak heat hours.

In addition to the heat alerts a Fie Weather Warning is in place for the higher elevations and southcoast through Saturday night at 10 p.m. Strong Sundowner winds are expected Friday night, potentially affecting the entire south coast. These winds can rapidly spread wildfires, so extreme caution is advised even outside of the warning area.

A welcome cooling trend is expected to begin Sunday and continue through next week. By midweek, temperatures should return to near-normal levels. However, some uncertainty remains in the forecast, as models are hinting at the possibility of lingering offshore winds. If this occurs, temperatures along the coast and in the valleys could end up warmer than currently predicted.

Remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones during this heat wave. Check on elderly neighbors and those with health conditions, and never leave children or pets unattended in vehicles.

For the latest updates and safety tips, please refer to the website and the Microclimate Weather App.

Have a great day Central Coast!