WeatherToday's Forecast


Cloudy and windy to start, mild through the weekend ahead of a rain chance

Conditions to kick off our Thursday are mild with some dense fog to start but we will see more active weather next week as a few more storms near the Central Coast.
and last updated

Good morning Central Coast!

To kick off the morning there is some cloud cover that may impact the morning commute alongside continued gusty winds but on the whole conditions are looking great for our Thursday!

The worst of our morning visibility will be surrounding Santa Maria this morning but that will clear up quickly and give way to a sunny day.

The concern that will take longer to clear is the winds. Gusts upwards of 45 mph have been recorded this morning along the southcoast. These winds have prompted a high wind advisory for the South Coast and the interiors of Santa Barbara county through 11 a.m. I would not be surprised if this advisory was extended into the afternoon.

The cooler weather that moved in yesterday prompted by a large low pressure in the Pacific northwest is still in place and will keep temperatures on the cool side (at least compared to normal) through the extended forecast.
Temps today will be in the 80s for the interiors, 70 in coastal valleys and along the South Coast with 60s at the western beaches. Across the board below normal for this time of the year.

Into the extended forecast temps stay consistent through Saturday, at that point things could get a bit more interesting. Sunday night a cold front will push south into northern California bringing rain overnight into Monday.

For us this means a TINY chance for a few of those showers to make it south far enough to impact the Central Coast. Despite this being a very small chance it is still the closest we have come to rain for a few months.

Just a few days later another storm may push into the region on Wednesday, once again a small chance but something to be aware of.

I will keep a close eye on it as updates come in this week.

Have a great day Central Coast!