

The rain will taper off Friday but cooler daytime highs remain in the forecast

Damson Ketelsen 112919.JPG
and last updated

It's been a busy week, but Friday's conditions look to be clearing up just in time for the weekend.

The overnight hours from Thanksgiving evening to early Friday morning saw some light rainfall, which will continue to be the case throughout most of Friday morning. Weather models show spotty rain showers will continue through about 11:00 a.m. before it starts to break up and become even more scattered and light.

Temperatures will stay on the cooler side and mainly be close to the 50s with the exception of the inland areas like Shandon, California Valley, and Cuyama, which could struggle to get past the upper 40s. On this day last year, Cuyama reached a maximum temperature of 60 degrees, but the forecast shows Cuyama will only reach 45 degrees Friday.

Northerly winds will be breezy at times throughout the morning, but will generally stay between 10 and 20 miles per hour. For those heading to the mountains over the weekend, snow levels will be between 2,000 and 3,000 feet for the Santa Barbara County Mountains. In the Los Padres National Forest, Mount Pinos has received at least one foot of snow, and Frazier Park in Ventura County has received nearly two feet.

Rain will be back in the forecast late Saturday through Sunday with the possibility of showers continuing through Tuesday. Another system is in the forecast late Tuesday through Wednesday, but next Thursday should be fairly dry.