

The extreme heat will get worse before it gets better, plus tropical moisture arrives

Sun Hot Weather.png
Posted 11:39 AM, Sep 07, 2022
and last updated 6:39 PM, Sep 07, 2022

11:30AM Update from Meteorologist Vivian Rennie

Extreme heat is settling in for today. I headed to Facebook to chat a bit about the heat and the hurricane that will break the cycle, check it out below.

—-Original Story—-

Good morning Central Coast!

We are getting the day started on yet another scorcher but there is some big changes on the horizon so lets jump right on in!

The skies are clear to start the morning, there are a few isolated areas of clouds but for the morning there are no issues with visibility.

It seems like we have been saying the same thing day after day with extreme heat in the daytime hours and some slightly more mild conditions close to the beaches. Even though it might not be the news we are hoping for but today will be more of the same with near record highs once again.

The cause of this record breaking heat remains unchanged. A massive high pressure system is sticking around and is continuing to keep intense heat on the Central Coast and across the West.

Another impact of this high pressure system is winds pushing offshore and warming up some coastal valleys quickly. Valleys with communities like SLO have been warming up very quickly as that already warm air moves over the Cuesta Ridge and is brought down to lower elevations. That air is condensed and warmed up as it reaches the valley communities. Think our local version of the Santa Ana winds. This exact same process is going to heat up communities in the Santa Ynez valley as well.

Nearly identical conditions stick around for Thursday but then things will get interesting as we get a bit of tropical moisture moving into the region.

Friday is interesting. The main branch of the jet shows a trough over Montana and North Dakota with an amplified ridge moving back into the PacNW.

At the same time hurricane Kay (or a tropical storm by then) looks to be positioned near the CA/MEX border, offshore. This will also help encourage some offshore flow Friday helping to fuel the expected heat spike.

The heat spike Friday will mean a new excessive heat warning for coastal valleys, with highs potentially in the upper 90s and 100+ for some. The interior is currently covered in an excessive heat warning thru Wednesday PM, but it is likely that will also be extended for the Friday event.

The weekend is also very interesting in that whatever is left of current hurricane Kay will be drifting offshore of the LA Basin. It looks to be close enough to bring high clouds, muggy air, and showers and thunderstorms into California, and even the Central Coast.

I think the Southcoast has the best chance of rain and thunderstorms. I think as far north as Santa Maria the rain and shower chance is something significant.

The newest modeling and hurricane tracking reinforce that current hurricane Kay near the tip of Baja California will likely be a factor in the weekend weather. Rainfall in SoCal looks likely and could be locally heavy. This is just one of the models tracking the storm, there is potential for more rain than this but at this point this is most likely.

The net result will be clouds and lowering pressure will likely result in the needed cooldown. Weekend temps look near average. Stay tuned.

Again, this is still a dangerous heat event. We again remind you to stay informed. Please pay attention to your physical well-being and that of others, specifically those in sensitive age groups or with pre-existing medical conditions. Remember the health of animals and be aware of your power use. Have a plan should an extended power shutdown takes place in your location.

Have a good day Central Coast!