

Temps warm for the weekend with more sunshine


The Central Coast has certainly seen its share of low clouds and fog this week holding temperatures down. Today we saw a little more high pressure and higher wind speeds that help mix out the low clouds producing more sunshine and slightly higher temperatures.

Thursday another brief and weak area of low-pressure skates through Northern California. This shortwave trough will again deepen the marine layer and encourage onshore flow. Temperatures likely take a small hit on Thursday.

The good news is Friday through the weekend a more significant Ridge of high pressure develops. This will squish the marine layer out of the interior and inland temperatures will warm into the 80s and 90s while coastal temperatures will warm back into the 70s.

This warmup is short-lived however as another trough of low pressure arrives early next week to push coastal temperatures back into the mid-60s for highs and interior temperatures also take a big hit. So, June gloom will arrive just as the calendar would suggest.