

Summer like conditions will be short lived

and last updated

Good Morning Central Coast! As we kick off our Wednesday winds have turned offshore strongly and are fending off the marine layer as well as prepping the region for a much warmer day.
As far as fog goes, there are a few patches of clouds in the Lompoc/western Santa Barbara county area that are threatening to lower visibility but for the vast majority of the Central Coast there will be good visibility for the morning commute.
High pressure is building into the region and with the associated offshore winds we have a good chance at 10-20 degrees of warming today for most coastal valleys with at least some warming through the whole region. Low 90s are possible in the interior valleys, 80s in the coastal valleys and a few degrees of warming along the beaches. The point where winds turn onshore is sitting just off the coast so many of the beach towns will be dramatically cooler than elsewhere.

The offshore winds that are warming us up for Wednesday will loose steam return onshore Thursday. Beach and coastal communities will cool drastically and some morning fog will return. Breezy conditions in the interior valleys will also begin. By Thursday evening an advisory level sundowner wind event will begin along the Santa Barbara southcoast. Friday will bring similar breezy and cooler conditions.

The weekend and early next week will bring more of the same mild and cooler conditions.