

Some rain finally reaches the coast in Santa Barbara county but more rain is possible next week

Santa Barbara Coast with clouds
and last updated

For the last few days, a positively tilted trough in the jet stream produced some east-to-west flow at the mid-levels of the atmosphere (roughly 18,000 ft). This transported moisture and instability from AZ/NV into CA. For the last two days, showers and t-storms were confined to locations east and south and higher elevations of SB and Ventura county. Today that activity finally migrated further west and south and some light showers even made it to the Southcoast.

Modeling is indicating this activity could continue past midnight but be gone by sunrise. No activity is expected Thursday (during daylight hours).

Other than that most of the area continues to see night and morning low clouds and afternoon clearing with temps a little below average at beaches and coastal valleys with interior temps near average. Afternoon seabreeze up to 15mph is expected, diminishing in the later evening.

Not much change on Thursday and Friday regarding conditions. But Saturday and Sunday the upper low finally kicks loose and moves over CA into AZ and with the passage, we'll see temps dip a bit and these slightly cooler temps remain early next week.

Mid to late next week another low-pressure system spins up and brings an even better chance of showers for the Central Coast.

Right now it looks like Thursday into the weekend the low will track from the west to the east pushing showers into California, and it could potentially be followed by a cold front from the PacNW early the following week for even another shower chance. These do not look like whopper opportunities in terms of rain totals however some rain helps, and cooler temps help both the drought and fire scenarios.