

Rain and Thunderstorms hitting the Central Coast tomorrow


Lot's to talk about in the world of weather today!

Tomorrow the Central Coast will see rain, thunderstorms, and there is even a flood warning in some areas.

Before we jump into the specific area temps tomorrow, let's dive more into the Flood watch in our interior valley and mountain areas.

The warning goes into effect early tomorrow morning, and stays in effect into tomorrow night.

Areas like the San Luis Obispo Interior Valleys and Mountains, and Cuyama Valley are within the zone of this warning.

We will see rain in quite a few areas across the central coast, and even potential for thunderstorms in some areas, especially tomorrow afternoon.

We will see the bulk of the rain tomorrow afternoon as well, except for a few sprinkles in the morning in places like San Luis Obispo.

Coastal Areas:

In Santa Barbara you can expect a high of 64 with patchy clouds, and rain potential for tomorrow evening.

For Lompoc the high is 66 tomorrow with patchy clouds in the forecast. Some sprinkles are expected tomorrow afternoon.

Santa Maria has overcast conditions with a high of 67 tomorrow and will see some thunderstorms.

In Pismo Beach the high tomorrow is 53 with some coastal cloud coverage throughout the day. There will be thunderstorms there as well.

In San Luis Obispo the high is 68. There is will be some rain, and thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon, and potential for a light sprinkle tomorrow morning.

Valley Areas:

Santa Ynez will be cloudy and can expect a high of 70 tomorrow, and can expect some rain and thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon.

In Paso Robles tomorrow's high is 75, with some thunderstorms expected tomorrow evening.

In Cuyama tomorrow will be 72 and overcast. There is potential rain and thunderstorm.