

Next heatwave is already slowly developing

and last updated

As high pressure aloft builds over the Four Corners region, residents of the interior Western states should prepare for a significant and potentially dangerous heat wave that could last for several days.

The high-pressure system is expected to remain in place through most of next week, causing temperatures to slowly rise each day. By Saturday or Sunday, the interior regions could experience dangerously high temperatures, potentially reaching as high as 110°F in some areas, and these extreme conditions may persist through the following Thursday or Friday.

In addition to the rising temperatures, monsoonal moisture is forecast to bring showers and thunderstorms starting Thursday night into Friday. This weather pattern is anticipated to increase the risk of dry lightning strikes, which could ignite fires in areas with dry vegetation. As a result, a Fire Weather Watch has been issued for the affected regions during this convective period.

Thursday Night into Friday:

- Showers and thunderstorms are expected to move in from the southeast.

- A weak upper low is projected to move from the southeast into southern California, bringing high-based moisture, mostly at or above 10,000 feet.

- This moisture will fall through very dry air below, raising concerns for dry lightning strikes and potential fires.

- The most likely time for storms along the coast and in the valleys is later Thursday night into Friday morning.

Friday Night into Saturday:

- The low-pressure system will move north and eventually out of the area.

- Some convective activity over northern Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County may occur Friday afternoon before the system exits.

Sunday and Beyond:

- The primary concern will shift to the heat.

- Temperatures are expected to rise by 1-2 degrees each day, with the interior of San Luis Obispo County potentially reaching 110°F and other inland valleys exceeding 105°F by Sunday or Monday.

- These temperatures are about 10 degrees above normal, and heat watches for interior areas are likely to be issued soon.

- The prolonged duration of this heat wave poses a significant risk, making it crucial for outdoor activities to be completed early in the day or after sunset, with plenty of water available.

Coastal Conditions

While the interior regions brace for extreme heat, coastal areas will experience much milder conditions. Temperatures along the coast are expected to be just 1-3 degrees above normal, with some patchy low clouds and fog in the morning hours.

As this dual threat of heat and potential fire weather develops, it's essential for residents to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and well-being. Stay tuned for further updates and weather advisories.