

Interior heatwave continues, dangerous fire weather continues all while low clouds cling to beaches

Posted at 4:31 PM, Jul 08, 2024

As we move into another week of scorching temperatures, the extreme heatwave affecting the mountains and interior areas shows no signs of letting up.

The intense heat, driven by a powerful high-pressure system, poses a significant risk of heat-related illnesses, particularly in inland regions.

Relief is on the horizon, with a cooling trend expected by Friday and into the weekend, though temperatures will remain well above average for inland areas.

Weather Conditions and Fire Forecast for Tomorrow

San Luis Obispo County:

  • Temperatures: Paso Robles is expected to experience highs close to 110°F from Tuesday through Thursday. While there was a brief respite in the extreme heat due to onshore winds, temperatures are climbing again.
  • Heat Warnings: Excessive heat warnings are in effect for interior San Luis Obispo County through Saturday. Coastal areas will be cooler but still above normal by 4-8 degrees, with dense fog possible at the beaches.
  • Winds: Increasing northerly flow will bring gusty winds, particularly across western parts of the county on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Gusts could reach between 30-40 mph, potentially leading to elevated fire risk.

Santa Barbara County:

  • Temperatures: Similar to San Luis Obispo, temperatures in Santa Barbara's interior valleys and mountains are expected to be dangerously high, potentially reaching around 110°F in warmer valleys from Tuesday to Thursday.
  • Heat Warnings: Excessive heat warnings continue across the interior regions, with coastal areas also experiencing temperatures above normal.
  • Winds: Northwest winds will intensify, especially in southwest Santa Barbara County and the interior mountains. Gusts between 30-45 mph are expected from late Tuesday afternoon through Tuesday night, contributing to critical fire weather conditions.

Fire Weather Outlook

(a clip of the Lake Fire forecast is included in this story at the top)

On Tuesday, Santa Barbara County’s interior mountains are expected to face highly favorable conditions for rapid fire spread, including the ongoing Lake Fire and the western Santa Ynez Mountains.

Key Factors Contributing to Fire Risk

Extreme Heat: Temperatures will range between 95 to 105 degrees, creating a tinderbox environment.

Low Humidity: Relative humidity levels will drop into single digits, with little to no recovery overnight, further drying out vegetation.

Strong Winds: Northwest winds gusting between 25 to 35 mph will persist for several hours, with even stronger Sundowner winds anticipated.

Implications for Fire Behavior

The combination of extreme heat, low humidity, and strong winds will create volatile conditions conducive to extreme fire behavior and rapid spread rates. This situation is particularly concerning for the Lake Fire, as well as any new ignitions that may occur in the area.

Safety Precautions

Residents in the affected regions should stay alert and be prepared for potential evacuations. Ensure that emergency supplies are ready and stay tuned to local authorities for updates on the fire situation.

Looking Ahead

A gradual cooling trend is anticipated to begin on Friday as the high-pressure system weakens and a trough develops over the Pacific Northwest. Despite this, temperatures will remain above normal through the weekend. There is also a small chance (5-10%) of thunderstorms over the mountains and deserts by the weekend, which could bring some relief but also pose additional fire risks.

Residents in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties should take necessary precautions to stay cool and hydrated. It is crucial to remain vigilant about fire safety, given the heightened fire risk.