WeatherFire Watch


San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council grants hazardous fuel reduction funds

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Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services has received hazardous fuel reduction funds for 2022 for properties classified under High and Very High Fire Severity Zones within San Luis Obispo City limits.

The program is referred to as "chipping" and due to limited funding, its services will be completed in the order of registrations received and will close once the maximum number of properties is reached.

The City of Atascadero has contracted with Hansen Bro's Custom farming to complete chipping services and asks registrants that branches be stacked with the ends facing the same direction. Branch diameter can be up to five inches round but the length should not exceed 15 feet.

Registration for the service begins on Feb. 1 and chipping will begin on Mar. 1

To register, visit [] or call (805) 470-3300.