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Firefighters say good defensible space is helping them save structures at the Lake Fire


With containment numbers still low on day 7 of the Lake Fire, property owners remain on high alert.

Fire officials say having good defensible space can help protect a property from the flames.

“Defensible space is the way that the public can help protect their own properties, and that could also lead to protecting their own lives depending on how fast the fire gets to them," explained Captain Scott Safechuck, Santa Barbara County Fire Department.

In some cases over the last week, Safechuck saw firsthand how structures that were in the thick of the Lake Fire were saved thanks to property owners who were prepared.

“Picture the environment, just that dark firefight going on in there for them to save those structures and then the next day coming in there and seeing the structures still standing. That's always a great sight to see,” Safechuck said.

Linda Small has lived in the Santa Ynez Valley for over 30 years, and with over five acres of property of her own, says she knows how important it is for properties in the area to prepare for times like this.

“We have larger properties so we have to have tree maintenance and cutting down all of the vegetation as it grows,” Small said.

Realtor Joe Olla says properties that don’t do maintenance ahead of fire season pose a threat to everybody.

“Fortunately, it hasn't happened yet. [But] it's not if, it's when,” Olla said.

Olla was issued an evacuation warning for his property, but he says his and the surrounding properties in his neighborhood are well maintained, in part thanks to using cattle for vegetation control.

“Cattle are natural lawnmowers and keep the vegetation viable and controlled, so we don't have a lot of issues,” he said.

According to CAL FIRE, as of Thursday morning, no structures have been destroyed and only six have been damaged.

For more ways to create defensible space around your home during fire season, you can go to