

Cool temps and cloud cover return, will last to the weekend

and last updated

Good morning, Central Coast! Happy Thursday!

Summer officially began yesterday (the summer solstice was June 21st at 7:57am PST) but the sunshine that we started the season with yesterday is no where to be found today.

Cool temps again return to the Central Coast on today with a lot of early cloud cover both at the coast and in some of the interior valleys.

That cloud cover will clear out first in the interior valleys but keep cool conditions in place. Clearing on the western beaches will be slow if at all. The cool dense marine air that made its way into the interior valleys will make its presence known all day. Highs in the interiors will fall 10-15 degrees today as compared to highs recorded Wednesday afternoon.

Daytime highs at the beaches we'll still be in the lower 60s while coastal valleys will be in the low to mid-60s with interior valleys warming to the low 70s.

Similar conditions are expected for Friday. More cloud cover and generally cool temperatures, although they will warm slightly from today's highs.

Into the weekend temps will warm again with sunshine and low 80s in the interiors. By mid week temps will climb even more, upper 80s are expected by Wednesday.

Have a great day Central Coast!