

Clouds move in dropping temperatures back towards normal for January

Waves crashing in Morro Bay

The clouds we have been tracking over this week have arrived and will stick around for a little while.
This has not only brought us less sunshine but has also evened out our temperatures quite a bit. By that, I mean that more marine air has moved in, which raised overnight lows and will also lower daytime highs. The decreased diurnal ranges will continue through the next few days keeping us near normal for this time of the year.

The clouds we are continuing to see have some rain embedded in them, mainly falling south of the channel islands. As they move north there is a very small chance of light rain along the Santa Barbara coastline.
Unfortunately, these showers will struggle to bring lasting rain, especially inland, so accumulations will be minimal if any.

The next few days will feature more clouds and temperatures pretty close to normal for this time of the year. Late this weekend the clouds will clear and strong offshore winds will bring warmer temperatures to the coast. Those great conditions with scattered clouds will stick around through much of next week.

Have a great Thursday Central Coast!