

Clear and warm conditions stick around into the first days of Summer

Looking over the Central Coast
and last updated

Good Morning Central Coast and Happy Monday!
As we kick off the work week continued slight offshore flow is keeping the marine layer at bay as well as bumping temperatures across the Central Coast a couple of degrees across the board.
Monday will be sunny and warm although portions of the Santa Barbara south coast could see some isolated wind gusts. These will stay below advisory level but still something to keep in mind if driving through any passes or canyons. Most temperatures will stay on the more mild side with highs in the low 70s at the beaches and 80s possible in the coastal valleys. The majority of the heating will be in the interior valleys where upper 90s are possible. That warm up is all thanks to offshore winds and abundant sunshine, providing the 10-15 degree above normal temperatures.
More gusty sundowner winds are expected Monday night, the Santa Barbara County south coast could see some advisory level gusts and I expect that an advisory will be issued by this afternoon if the expected winds speed up even a couple of miles per hour.
Overnight into Tuesday an eddy circulation will form off the south coast, that will likely bring in more marine influence and limited visibility along the south coast, this could also intrude into some coastal valleys.
Tuesday something else interesting will take place. A warm upper atmosphere low will get "pinched off" from the main low and wander its way south past Point Conception and towards the Channel islands. This will keep many central coast highs from cooling and may even spin in enough moisture to being a slight chance of thunderstorms to eastern LA county (unfortunately none for us here on the central coast).
That low will stick around for a little bit into Wednesday bringing the slightest chance of a few rain drops along the Central Coast. I think this chance is small at best but I will keep a very close eye on it going forward.
Once that low pressure clears into Thursday clearing and heating up will take over. The high pressure bringing historic heat to the central US will spread out and bring more offshore flow and extreme heat onto the coast.
Have a great day Central Coast!