

Another few days of cooler temps, before a weekend warm up.


Much cooler than normal temperatures will continue through Friday before warmer conditions return for the weekend.

There is a chance of showers and thunderstorms Wednesday night and Thursday
as a low pressure system moves into the area.

Coastal Areas:

In Santa Barbara you can expect a high of 76 with sunny skies. Rain is expected for Thursday.

For Lompoc the high is 71 tomorrow with patchy clouds in the forecast.

Santa Maria has foggy conditions with a high of 73 tomorrow with patchy clouds.

In Pismo Beach the high tomorrow is 67 with some coastal cloud coverage throughout the day.

In San Luis Obispo the high is 78 with some patchy clouds. There is potential for some light rain on Wednesday.

Arroyo Grande will have a high of 79 tomorrow with cloudy skies. There is potential for rain on Thursday.

Valley Areas:

Santa Ynez will be cloudy and can expect a high of 74 tomorrow, before temps climb back up into the 80s this weekend.

In Paso Robles tomorrow's high is 75, with some clouds throughout the day.

In Cuyama tomorrow will be 76 and sunny. There is potential for rain on Thursday.

Atascadero can expect a high of 74 tomorrow with some cloudy conditions.

Partial Lunar Eclipse of a Supermoon:

Tonight there will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse of the Supermoon, which we can expect to be visible around 7:30pm.

We are expecting tome clouds in most areas this evening, which may make it difficult to spot, especially in our coastal areas.

The tides are also expected to be a little higher as a result, and the moon will look a little larger than normal.

"Break a wave" Rodeo:

If you are thinking about heading out to Pismo Beach for the 4th annual "Break a Wave" Rodeo, here is what you can expect temperature wise.

Temperatures will sit in the low 60s for the course of the event, with a bit of a breeze. There is also some coastal cloud coverage expected, so go prepared with some layers, and a jacket.