

Inland triple digit heat is back


An upper level ridge is setting up shop over the western U.S. and doesn’t look to move until later next week.

Highs in northern SLO county hover near 100 into thru the weekend and most if not all of next week.

Coastal temps will also rise but some night and morning marine layer and afternoon onshore winds will keep temperatures from becoming extreme.  I think coastal valleys will be in the upper 70s to middle 80s into the middle of next week.

Beaches are interesting, some will visit the 70s in the forecast but west-facing beaches stay in the mid to upper 60s.

The other element to consider in the forecast is some slight uptick of mugginess with the summer monsoon trying to push in from the east but thunderstorms don’t look to be a much of a local threat.

The ridge looks to shift a bit early next week which could knock temps back a very small bit, perhaps ending the new 100 degree run but not by much.  At the coast I expect more marine clouds next week for temps to also come back down in a small way.

Models today show a more dramatic cooling near the end of the month with a large vigorous trough but that is so far out there it is just something to monitor at this point.  In other words, get ready for a forecast without many twists and turns thru next week.