

Inland valley temperatures stay above average


The triple-digit heat for the interior portions continues Thursday before any sign of cooling. Interior valleys will range from the upper 90s to low 100s during the afternoon hours with some mid to high-level cloud coverage. Sunday looks to be the day that 100-degree weather falls to the mid-90s, but that will only last for a couple of days before triple-digits return by the middle of next week.

Coastal valleys will still remain cooler and mostly in the 70s to upper 80s. Morning fog will be a factor on Thursday but will clear by 10:00 a.m. For those wanting relief from the heat, the coast will be the place to get it. The beaches will mostly be in the upper 60s to low 70s and morning marine layer will keep those temperatures on the cooler side. Models indicate that clearing will happen for the coast as early as 8:00 a.m., which is a trend we should continue to see through Friday.

Winds are looking to be relatively calm throughout Friday, but breezy at times for the coastal regions. One thing to look out for is sundowner winds that are expected to reach advisory level Thursday night for portions of Santa Barbara County’s south coast. These winds are expected to be more widespread on Friday. Modeling shows that areas like Gaviota could have gusts up to 33 miles per hour by Friday night.