

Kenzie Hickey competes at World Wake Surfing Championship


LAKE NACIMIENTO — Central Coast native Kenzie Hickey is headed to the World Wake Surfing Championship in Texas this week. She's currently sixth in the entire world for the junior division and she's only eight years old.

Kenzie began wake surfing at the age of five. Her mom said after a couple of weeks, she was up on her own without the rope and she was immediately hooked to the sport. "I first started and then I started to love it and wanted to do it more and more," Kenzie said.

Her dedication to practice and competing across the country over the past few years has paid off.

"We just want her to have fun, she worked super hard. We're proud of her no matter what happens and what the outcome is," her mother Tiffany Hickey added.

The time on the water from practicing to competing across the country over the past few years has paid off.

"She has come a long way to be sixth in the world in juniors... It's been a long year of the hard work she put in. We're excited for her and to see what she does," her father Jeff Hickey said.

This is just the first of many championships in store for the eight-year-old star. One day, Kenzie hopes to become a professional surfer.

You can say up to date with her performance at the World Championship this week on this link.