
Showers for some tonight but more rain chances ahead

and last updated

Offshore winds over the last couple days will likely rob a system coming in tonight from producing much rainfall. A cold front will move through the Central Coast early Wednesday morning with southerly winds and showers.

Most locations on the Central Coast will only see a few hundredths of an inch of rain, some may see no rain at all. The one exception to the light rain outlook would be along the SLO county north coast where up to .50" os possible. Snow levels are pretty high at 5500ft.

After this system we'll see some offshore winds in the morning hours Thursday and Friday mornings clearing out coastal skies but there could be some inland valley fog and low clouds.

Weather is dry thru Saturday but Sunday a better organized system arrives and lingers into Monday and Tuesday. That system may produce .50-1.5" of rain and strong winds out of the south up to 30-35mph.

Active weather looks to continue with a system possible Christmas Day, that system looks cold and the snow levels could be as low as 2500ft. Stay tuned for updates on that.