With a deficit of shelter beds, public defenders in Santa Barbara County say many homeless people are struggling to keep warm this winter, adding that their annual sleeping bag drive is in desperate need of donations.
"What we're trying to do is give you a hand up, not a handout," Scott Luikart said.
For 17 years, Luikart lived on the streets in Santa Barbara.
"Some people that are homeless don't want to admit psychologically to themselves that they are, so they're reluctant to take any assistance," Luikart explained.
He says that events like the public defender's sleeping bag drive kept him alive in winter and impacted his mental health.
"The impact it had on me was the fact that people care enough to go out of their way to do that was very large," Luikart said.
Six months ago, the 71-year-old moved into permanent housing at Buena Tierra.
"I love it there, it’s a miracle place," Luikart said.
Public Defender representatives Arianna McDonald and Iliana De Hoyos say that for the people still living outside, this sleeping bag drive is essential.
"Right now, our donations are kind of sparse and we're a bit worried," De Hoyos said.
This time last year, the city had 200 sleeping bags, but this year only a handful.
"And we're really low on shelter beds right now. Like, it's really hard to get a bed anywhere. They’re pretty much non-existent," McDonald added.
Of the 2,100 people experiencing homelessness in Santa Barbara County, 987 live in Santa Barbara, according to the most recent Point-in-Time Count. Three of them are Luikart's friends, who he’s worried about.
"I hope I can bring them in, you know," Luikart said.
To receive donated goods, people experiencing homelessness will need to attend a distribution event. Santa Barbara’s distribution event will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4 from noon to 2 p.m. or until supplies last outside the Santa Barbara Courthouse.
Santa Maria and Lompoc distribution events will be held on Friday, Dec. 6 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Santa Maria and Lompoc public defender’s offices. Homeless outreach teams and community partners are currently working to inform clients of the donations that will be made available to them at the event.
For more information, contact the county public defender’s office. In Santa Barbara, call (805) 568-3470. In Santa Maria, call (805) 346-7500 and in Lompoc, call (805) 737-7770.
For more information about the County of Santa Barbara government organization, visit www.countyofsb.org.