On Tuesday, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors met to vote on raising their own salaries by 48%.
"Well, I don't know what is the right amount. All I know is that their salaries are extremely low right now and I do believe that an independent group should survey the salaries and encourage that we pay them accordingly," said resident Tony Guy.
Guy was one of 18 public speakers who attended the meeting — some in favor of the raise and others against it.
"If you do keep it at this level where you're at now, I do not believe... the only people that you will attract to this position to run for this office, which is not easy, are going to be people who are on pensions or perhaps people who are not qualified to do the work," said resident Tom Woodrow.
"Think of the people that are struggling with inflation. What you're doing is a slap in their face right now. It's a slap in the face to your constituents," said Andy Caldwell.
At Tuesday's meeting, the county's direct human services commission recommended that the board approve the $56,000 increase and tie future supervisor pay to 70% of what a state superior court judge earns, not the board's discretion.
"What I most appreciate is that future boards will not have to go through this process because it'll be tied to an external factor that has been thought through and is used by other jurisdictions," said Supervisor Laura Capps.
The board passed the measure 3 to 2 with Bob Nelson voting no and Roy Lee abstaining. The salary increase will be effective immediately, bringing supervisor salaries from $115,000 to $171,000 per year.