Two properties the school district owns are now up for grabs. The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District is discussing how to best make use of the vacant property as the district deals with declining enrollment.
“It is a nationwide issue and we have gone to several workshops studying this from statewide leaders that are seeing this and just the impact across the nation," Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Brad Pawlowski said.
A piece of land at the corner of Montebello Oaks Drive and Kleft Road is being sold, purchased by the district using capital facility dollars, and will not be going into the general fund. Therefore it won't offset the remainder of the budget deficit.
Two parcel at River Grove Drive that was once home to Phillips Freedom School during the Civil Rights Movement is also being sold. That money will be going toward one-time fund expenditures, not teacher salaries.
“Getting rid of just pieces of property that we're sitting on that we still have to maintain from some standpoint, we'd have to do abatement on a regular basis," Pawlowski said of the maintenance. "There's a potential for vandalism and we have to take care of that. So if we don't need those pieces of property, let's get rid of them.”
The school district is also looking for ways to utilize the old Georgia Brown Elementary School on 36th Street. The students that used to occupy it will most likely be the last to do so on the property.
"I would personally like to see a little more open space, a kid friendly park where [my daughter] can run around freely," nearby resident Andy Park said.
Other residents in the area we talked to agreed the area should at least be tailored for children who live in the area and used to attend Georgia Brown.
“I just want to see green field, open space," Park added.
Negotiations for the Montebello Oaks property are currently underway with an interested private buyer according to the school district.
KSBY will continue following this story and bring you updates on any further decisions made.