

Two found guilty in panga boat smuggling

panga boat arroyo quemada.jpg
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Two men were found guilty of non-citizen smuggling charges in federal court on Wednesday.

Jorge Muñoz-Muñoz and Roel Aranzubia-Alvarez were found guilty on multiple charges.

Law enforcement caught them on a panga boat off the coast of Santa Barbara County last September.

In the boat, officers found 45 pounds of meth and 11 undocumented non-citizens from Mexico.

Both men were found guilty of one count of conspiracy to bring non-citizens into the United States, 11 counts of smuggling undocumented immigrants, 11 counts of non-citizen smuggling for private financial gain, and one count of aiding and assisting an undocumented immigrant convicted of an aggravated felony to enter the United States.

Muñoz-Muñoz was also found guilty of several counts involving importing and distributing meth.