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United States Postal Service increases the cost of first-class Forever stamps


On Sunday, the United States Postal Service increased the cost of First-Class Forever stamps.

Stamp rates are going up from $0.66 to $0.68.

San Luis Obispo resident Tim Smith understands the need for the increase and got his stamps a few days ago before rates went up.

“I found out the stamp rates are going to be going up and I had to get some postcard stamps so I'm glad I got them now for a little bit less,” Smith said.

When Forever stamps were first introduced in 2007, postage stamps only cost $0.41.

“Ten to 15 years ago it was probably a lot cheaper but then again, life was cheaper too,” Smith said.

The cost of mailing postcards is also going up. The cost to mail international letters has gone up from $1.50 to $1.55.

Garry Silveira mostly mails bills and says he used to use the mail services way more before the internet, but now not so much.

“Ever since the internet became popular, people started doing more things on the internet and paying their bills on the internet,” Silveira said.

He understands why the rates keep climbing.

“I mail a few things here and there so it doesn't surprise me because it seems like every year we're doing this and I can understand the post office’s position where less people are buying less stamps,” Silveira said.

The increases are part of the Postal Services’ 10-year Delivering for America Plan, as their goal is to ensure a self-sustaining, high-performing postal service for the nation.

If you still have the previous Forever stamps, you can still use them.