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Video shows waves crashing into Pismo Beach waterfront

Pismo Waves.png
Posted 5:04 AM, Jan 06, 2023
and last updated 6:44 AM, Jan 06, 2023

People flocked to the coast to catch a glimpse of Thursday’s high surf.

The power of the ocean was on full display as waves crashed into the Pismo Beach waterfront late Thursday morning.

Tony Ayala shared video showing water inundating the swing set before washing up just feet from nearby hotels and businesses.

Waves also came crashing into the parking lot at Port San Luis.

Ocean water came crashing over the breakwater and completely surrounded the Port San Luis Sport Launch Ramp, which posted video of the flooding to social media.

The tide eventually receded but people still flocked to the coast to see the big waves for themselves.

“It’s pretty crazy man, I haven’t seen waves like this like ever,” said Shell Beach Resident Bobby Kaehms.

People gathered at Spyglass Park in Shell Beach to admire the fairly unusual sight.

“It looks like it’s breaking further out than I’ve ever seen it,” said Kaehms. “It’s really beautiful to look at. I wish I was up north at MDO (Montana De Oro) or something like that.”

Surfers say it is extremely dangerous to go out on the water and add that these are far from ideal surfing conditions.

“If you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s definitely dangerous--those huge waves and rocks,” said Drasko Bogdanovic, who adds that the heavy surf is a sight best admired from afar.

“All of those waves came from thousands and thousands of miles and now you’re seeing the climax of the final peak,” he said.

The Pismo Beach Pier as well as other piers up and down the coast remain closed due to the high surf.