A long stretch of curvy road in Shell Beach is in the process of being straightened out.
City officials say contractors are working Thursday to remove curvy lane lines from Shell Beach Road and put down temporary but straight lane markings.
The curvy road left many in the town confused when the change was first made in March.
The City said the striping was intentional and helped preserve parking while also making room for a safe work zone for the Shell Beach Streetscape Project.
The project encompasses an 18-block section of Shell Beach Road from Cliff Avenue to Terrace Avenue. Once complete, the reconstructed roadway will include an eight-foot wide multi-use path for bicycles and pedestrians along with other improvements including utility upgrade.
City officials say the project is still on track to be completed next year.
The next phase will include PG&E transferring power over to the underground lines, which have already been installed.
Within the next two weeks, work at night will be done to remove the top half of power poles so that other utilities' equipment can be removed.