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Sample ballot booklet mailed for 2020 Presidential Primary Election

Posted 2:09 AM, Jan 24, 2020
and last updated 2:49 AM, Jan 24, 2020

The sample ballot booklets for the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election were mailed out this week.

The booklet contains a copy of the ballot contests, candidate statements and measure information on the voter's ballot. It also includes the polling place location assigned to the voteer and an application for a vote-by-mail ballot.

The ballot was sent out to voters who were registered as of January 10 and are not registered as permanent vote-by-mail voters.

People with a vote-by-bail status will receive their local candidate and measure information along with their vote-by-mail ballot on February 3.

All households with registered voters will also be receiving the state voter information guides which has information about the state propositions and candidates.

Voters are urged to check their voter registration status at