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Prescribed pile burns at Vandenberg Space Force Base

Vandenberg SFB Fire Department .png

The Vandenberg Space Force Base Fire Department is scheduled to conduct a prescribed pile burn in November or December.

This burn will occur near the Sudden Ranch area on the Base. Approximately 4 acres’ worth of slash from felled trees will be put in piles and burned over two to three days within the burn window. Burning will occur between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on permissive burn days.

Base officials say prescribed, or planned, fires typically burn less intensely than wildfires. Prescribed burns can help prevent the spread of wildfires and can reduce impacts on watersheds that can result in soil loss and sedimentation.

Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District staff have reviewed the Smoke Management Plans for these burns and provided conditions to minimize smoke impacts in Santa Barbara County. The burns will be conducted when the meteorological conditions are highly favorable to direct smoke away from population centers.

Due to changing winds and weather conditions, it is difficult to predict which areas of the county, if any, may be most affected by smoke from the burns. If you smell smoke, base officials say to take precautions and use common sense to reduce any harmful health effects by limiting outdoor activities.

When you smell smoke or it is visible in your area, you are advised to avoid strenuous outdoor activity and remain indoors as much as possible.

If you are sensitive to smoke, consider temporarily relocating and closing all doors and windows on the day of the burn.

Additional public notification will be provided before burning begins.