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PG&E encouraging customers to conserve energy as flex alert is extended

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UPDATE: The flex alert has been extended through Saturday.


ORIGINAL STORY: With the warmer temperatures across the state, a statewide Flex Alert went into effect on Friday.

The Flex Alert started at 4 p.m. and was set to last up until 9 p.m.

With the warmer temperatures forecasted for Friday, a higher electric load and energy supply were expected.

This is why electric companies like PG&E asked customers to join in on the efforts to conserve.

"If you can avoid using your A/C, obviously that is the biggest load on the grid,” said Mark Mesesan, PG&E communications representative.

Other ways to help during flex alerts are turning off equipment that's not being used like coffee makers, microwaves, printers and more.

Now for those wondering about ways to cool down, PG&E suggests:

1. Pre-cooling your home or office

2. Setting thermostats to 78 degrees

3. Opening doors and windows when cool

4. Clearing areas around A/C units

Using things like fans, instead of A/C units, is also a good idea.

PG&E says last summer, customers made a significant reduction in energy use and the utility is hoping to receive the same response this time around.

"When the temp goes up like we are expecting later today and through this weekend, we really appreciate that level of support,” Mesesan said.

PG&E also states Friday's flex alert does not project a need for a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), but will continuously monitor conditions if need be.