A man previously convicted of bank robbery was found guilty once again of the same crime in Paso Robles.
A jury handed down the verdict this week to Andrew Gilbertson related to a second-degree attempted robbery charge for an incident at Chase Bank on Niblick Road on Sept. 1, 2021.
Police say Gilbertson, of Paso Robles did not get any money and no one was hurt.
The now 47-year-old also served time for robbing a bank in San Luis Obispo in 2013.
In 2015, he was found guilty of robbery and burglary after rejecting his insanity defense. He claimed in court that the Virgin Mary told him to disguise himself and rob the Bank of America on Santa Rosa Street and made national headlines when he ate his own feces while on the stand.
Gilbertson was sentenced to seven years in jail and ordered to pay more than $1,300 in restitution to Bank of America.
Sheriff’s records show Gilbertson had been booked and released three other times last year for various reasons.
The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s office says a court trial on two alleged priors for Gilbertson is scheduled for next week. If a judge finds the priors are true, Gilbertson faces a maximum sentence of 35 years-to-life.
Both priors are strikes under California’s Three Strikes Law.