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Man overboard rescued near Channel Islands

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The Coast Guard and a Good Samaritan rescued a man who fell off a boat near the Channel Islands on Saturday, according to Coast Guard officials.

The Coast Guard first received the report of a man overboard at about 3:45 p.m.

A 66-year-old man reportedly fell off a 49-foot boat about six miles northeast of Santa Cruz Island. He was not wearing a life jacket.

Several boats and a helicopter were launched to search for the man.

About 45 minutes after he was reported overboard, Coast Guard officials say a Good Samaritan vessel located the man and took him aboard. He was reportedly uninjured and the Coast Guard returned him to his original boat.

"This incident highlights the importance of wearing a life jacket at all times when underway, especially in rough seas," said Petty Officer 2nd Class Logan Venero, a boatswain's mate assigned to Station Channel Islands. "In the unfortunate event of a man overboard, it is important to remain calm, mark the position on the GPS and throw a life ring or other flotation aid towards the person in the water. It is also important to remain where the person fell off and drift with the prevailing winds and currents."