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House approves Carbajal measure to prevent deportation of U.S. servicemembers’ parents

U.S. House Of Representatives

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Protect Patriot Parents Act, a measure authored by Rep. Salud Carbajal.

The Protect Patriot Parents Act would make parents of U.S. military servicemembers eligible to adjust for Lawful Permanent Resident status, preventing potential deportations or separations of military families.

"The families of our servicemembers deserve our respect for their sacrifice, not deportation – and I am pleased to see that the majority of my colleagues in the House agree,” said Congressman Carbajal in a press release.

Carbajal’s bill was approved as a part of the Veteran Service Recognition Act of 2022. The bill now moves to the U.S. Senate.

Carbajal’s measure is inspired by the story of the Flores family from Goleta, where the mother of Sergeant Cesar Flores was deported despite living in the U.S. for 30 years and having a child serving in the U.S. Air Force.

Juana Flores was deported in 2019 but was allowed to return to the U.S. after public outcry and lobbying from Carbajal and other community leaders.

"The Protect Patriot Parents Act will help shape an immigration system that is fair, keeps families together, and recognizes the positive contributions immigrants and their families make to our communities,” Carbajal said.

The Protect Patriot Parents Act would allow parents of service members to apply for a green card.

More information on Carbajal’s measure can be found here.