A portion of Huasna Townsite Rd., including the bridge over the Huasna River, will be closed for repairs near the end of August.
The work will run from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Aug. 23 to 26.
The bridge, about three miles south of Huasna Rd., will be completely closed to traffic during that time. Before 7 a.m. and after 5 p.m. the bridge will be open with weight restrictions.
The San Luis Obispo County Department of Public Works says crews will be repairing the bridge for potential structural deficiencies noted during a Caltrans inspection.
No vehicles over 3 tons will be able to cross the bridge until repairs are finished.
📢 Announcing bridge closure on Huasna Townsite Road at Huasna River, scheduled for August 23, 2021 to August 26, 2021. https://t.co/YWHQzdoOey#HuasnaTownsite #HuasnaRiver pic.twitter.com/oFNN2A223o
— County of SLO Public Works (@SLOCountyPWD) August 9, 2021