Following the recent rains, CAL FIRE San Luis Obispo and the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) have announced that backyard burning season will begin on Dec. 16.
Backyard burning is the authorized burning of green waste material at certain households outside of the city limits, according to APCD.
Because of recent precipitation and a promising weather forecast, CAL FIRE SLO says green grass is emerging throughout the county, and the vegetation's moisture levels have stabilized with an outlook of further improvement.
Officials report that they expect sufficient opportunities after the next round of rain to continue controlled burning within CAL FIRE and APCD regulations on approved burn days.
This 2024-2025 backyard burning season, agency representatives say several new tools will be available to those interested in participating.
CAL FIRE SLO is now offering some residents a streamlined permitting process.
Backyard burners using APCD's website to obtain a permit will now reportedly receive both the APCD Backyard Burn Permit and CAL FIRE’s Residential LE62a Burn Permit simultaneously.
Because new applicants can get their burn permits online, officials say they have eliminated the need for paper forms or in-person visits.
However, applicants will still have to call to complete the payment process.
For agricultural burning, the agencies say individuals who meet CAL FIRE’s criteria for a LE-5 or LE-7 Burn Permit must apply directly through CAL FIRE’s online application process on CAL FIRE's webpage.
Representatives advise residents to always adhere to the terms and conditions of their burn permit, monitor weather conditions and only burn on permissive burn days, ensure that a water source and tools are available on-site for fire control, and follow all local and state regulations to minimize impacts on air quality.
For more information about the backyard burning program, community members can visit the SLO County APCD website or contact CAL FIRE San Luis Obispo County Fire Department at (805) 242-6250.