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Attention pet owners: Here are some tips to keep your furry friends safe this Fourth of July

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As the Fourth of July approaches, local animal shelters are putting out a call to action — asking community members to take steps to keep their pets safe this holiday.
According to Woods Humane Society in San Luis Obispo, more pets go missing on the Fourth of July than any other holiday.

“We are already seeing overcapacity for shelters, limited resources... so we're really hoping people can help us out this year more than ever," said Robin Coleman, Woods Humane Society Community Engagement Manager.

 That’s why pet owners should start planning for the holiday days in advance.

“For your pet at home, make plans. Are you going to be home with them or are you leaving? Do not leave dogs outdoors. They can jump. They can go through window screen doors and fences. That adrenaline and fear kicks into them," Coleman added.

Be aware, be prepared, and have an action plan.

Whether you are heading out for the holiday or staying inside, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Play classical or soothing music
  • Close any blinds or curtains
  • Don’t leave pets like dogs outside

Coleman says the biggest tip of all is making sure your pet is microchipped.
“We can reunite pets with microchips within minutes, hours, days versus months. An ID tag should be on every dog out there so we can again reunite," Coleman explained.

If they end up in shelters, animals are 70% less likely to get reunited with their owner.

Woods Humane Society offers microchips for $20 by appointment. You can call Woods SLO at (805) 543-9316 or Woods North County at (805) 466-5403.

More information regarding pet safety during the Fourth of July can be foundhere.