Allan Hancock College is inviting local businesses to participate in the 16th annual Career Exploration Day.
The in-person event aims to help expose Central Coast high school and college students to career opportunities.
More than 1,000 students are expected to attend the event.
“Career Exploration Day showcases how programs at Hancock provide the necessary training and education students need to pursue successful careers. By participating, businesses in our community will help foster a well-trained labor force that will meet current and future employment needs,” said Thomas Lamica, Hancock Project Director for Career Center & K-12 Partnerships, in a press release.
Space is free for any businesses that become exhibitors and any business can also become a sponsor of the event for a $250 contribution.
Following the event, Hancock College will be hosting a luncheon where participants will have the opportunity to learn more about education programs at the college.
Businesses can register at thislink. They must register for the event by March 11. Career Exploration Day will be on April 1.