The Aegis opioid and heroin treatment center in Santa Maria held an open house Friday to not only invite city and county leaders through their doors but community members as well.
Those in attendance included Santa Maria Mayor Alice Patino and other local organizations.
One group, however, that did not show up were concerned Vandenberg Village residents.
The Aegis team wanted to give community members a chance to visit the clinic so the public could have a better understanding of what goes on there.
Back in October, the clinical manager of the treatment center in Santa Maria, Jeffrey Curtis, said the open house would be an opportunity for residents worried about the satellite clinic opening up in Vandenberg Villlage to visit the center, ask questions, and express concerns.
However, no one from the Village showed up.
"Bob Nelson is here who is the chief of staff for the county supervisor, and you know, I took him around and showed him what we do. I think they really appreciate it and enjoyed it. I really haven't gotten too many questions yet from people in Vandenberg Village but I am willing to answer any other questions they have, " said Dr. Brian Talleur, chief medical officer for Aegis.
A large majority of those who live in Vandenberg Village say they do not want Aegis to open the satellite clinic in their community due to the fact that a majority of the patients Aegis serves in the Lompoc area actually live in Lompoc.
KSBY did reach out to some of those residents in the Village concerned about the potential clinic. Those we spoke with said they did not feel it was worth their time to attend the open house but appreciated the effort by the Aegis team.