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40 dead cats discovered inside Paso Robles apartment

better cat.jpg
Posted 3:32 AM, Oct 29, 2024
and last updated 6:30 AM, Oct 29, 2024

San Luis Obispo County Animal Services is currently investigating a case of crimes against animals after finding 40 dead and 6 live cats in a apartment.

The apartment was red-tagged after animal services uncovered the cats' remains.

A neighbor of The Presidio apartment complex, Leo Sharon, was appalled upon hearing the news.

“It’s just sad. How can you have that many cats and let them just die there?” Sharon said.

One apartment tenant, Mary Lumsden, said she received her cat Lily from the former tenant being investigated for animal cruelty, Laurie Bryant.

“One of [the cats] is the mother of Lily and the other is Lily’s aunt," Lumsden said, "I know she had those two. They mostly lived outside. They didn’t go in very often."

Lumsden has lived in the complex for 14 years but said the former tenant in unit 4 moved out last year.

"She moved out a year ago, in October," Lumsden said.

Laurie Bryant didn't respond to our calls.

Laurie's mother, Jacqueline Bryant, did respond but declined to go on the record with any information regarding her daughter.

According to a recent statement from SLO County News a Facebook group for local information, Laurie Bryant has stepped down from her role as moderator during this time.

The Paso Robles Police Department said no arrests have been made.

District Attorney Dan Dow added that this case hasn't been referred to his office for review yet. However, he said that a person convicted of animal cruelty could face a maximum of 3 years in county jail.