San Luis Obispo City leaders and community members came together Monday to discuss the future of Laguna Lake Park.
The cities Parks and Recreation Department is hoping to hear from the community about what they think will make the park better and more appealing to locals.
Laguna Lake Park is the largest park within San Luis Obispo and organizers want to see it being used in the most efficient manner possible.
Some community members suggested movie nights, kite festivals and even campouts.
San Luis Obispo resident Erik Poor wants people to realize what a beautiful place Laguna Lake is and says, “We have a natural resource here in San Luis Obispo, we don’t have to go to North County or South County we have something here in the city limits that feel like you are in the middle of nowhere. Come enjoy the stars that we have here in San Luis City limits I think it is super special.”
Organizers hope to have all the new ideas implemented by this summer.
If you missed Monday’s meeting, a potluck will be held at 6 p.m. on June 3 for community members to provide more input. It will be located at Laguna Lake Park at the bbq near the playground.