The storm that waltzed through the Central Coast on Thursday provided some incredible images.
The area isn’t known for the phrase, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 minutes and it will change,” but it was in full effect on Thursday. Thanks to viewers, we got to watch it all unfold.
Rain, hail, lightning, more hail, even snow, along with beautiful sunsets happened in a very short window.
Remarkable colors stretched from throughout San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara County.
Thank you to our viewers for sharing. You can share pictures and video on social media by using #BeOnKSBY or by posting it on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
What was going on in SLO today? #beonksby #hail #rainbow @KSBY
— Krystal Cooper (@Lil_Koop) February 22, 2019
Photo by Karen Goodchild. Santa Maria River #beonksby
— Gary Smith (@trpl7guy) February 22, 2019
Vandenberg Village #BeOnKsby
— Chris Hodapp (@ChrisHodapp) February 22, 2019
— Paul Wilson (@PPasohaze) February 22, 2019
Foothill Blvd count torward LOVR in SLO. #beonksby
— Harold Wright (@wrihar) February 22, 2019
#BeOnKSBY snow in creston (:
— Mattie (@officiallymsd2) February 22, 2019
Nipomo snow & hail. #beonksby
— Gary Smith (@trpl7guy) February 22, 2019
@KSBY @tvdave Blacklake Ski Resort#beonksby
— M Waters (@migueldeagua) February 22, 2019