When your kids get out of school, are you sure they’re safe to cross the street?
A new study by Zendrive ranks California the worst in the country when it comes to dangerous drivers in school zones.
The company says it works with third-party apps on your phone, like GasBuddy and HopSkipDrive, to anonymously track drivers.
Its goal is to make the roads safer.
“So what we’re looking for are things like phone use while driving, speeding, rapid acceleration, hard braking, that’s what the platform Zendrive is analyzing,” explained Cameron Jahn, Product Marketing for Zendrive.
Zendrive has access to 9 million drivers who traveled 10 billion miles for this study.
It showed San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties were in the middle of the pack, with some of the worst school zones in New Cuyama and Vandenberg, as well as schools closest to the beaches in San Luis Obispo County.
“Distracted driving is a nationwide epidemic. It’s our generation’s drunk driving,” Jahn said.
Shell Beach Elementary was ranked 104 out of 104 schools in San Luis Obispo County, with “F’s” in phone use and speeding.
To learn more about this study, visit the Zendrive website.