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Sheriff: Attempted burglary suspect caught in the act in Santa Barbara


A Santa Barbara man was arrested Sunday after sheriff’s officials say a deputy caught him trying to break into a car.

It happened at about 5:30 a.m. in the area of Calle Real and North San Marcos Road.

According to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, a deputy spotted Nathaniel Montross, 37, trying to break into a car with a wooden stick.

Sheriff’s officials say Montross was reportedly found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia and had two warrants out for his arrest.

Montross was arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary, possession of narcotics paraphernalia, and for the two warrants.

Nathaniel Montross


The sheriff’s office says this is a good reminder that, especially during the holiday season, thieves are looking for crimes of opportunity and presents left in cars. They offer the following safety tips to avoid becoming a victim:

  • Close your windows
  • Never leave valuables in plain sight. Lock them in the trunk or take them with you
  • Always take your keys with you after you park your vehicle
  • Remove or hide your garage remote when you leave your vehicle unattended
  • Set your car alarm every time you park your vehicle
  • Do not hide spare keys on or in your vehicle. Consider a spare key in your wallet
  • Park and lock your vehicle in your garage whenever possible
  • Remove personal information such as driver license, registration, etc., from unattended vehicles
  • To report suspicious activity, call 911