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Public input wanted for draft report on Diablo Canyon Power Plant decommissioning

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The Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel is looking for public input on its draft recommendations for the power plant’s future.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) plans to shut down the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) near Avila Beach by 2025.

The panel, made up of 11 community volunteers, has been holding public meetings since late May to discuss plans for the nuclear power plant’s decommissioning and the future use of the site and lands that surround the plant.

Its newly released “Strategic Vision” reflects the public input the panel has received so far and contains visions, goals, and recommendations for the power plant during and after the decommissioning process.

Those recommendations include:

  • Decommissioning and decontamination should begin immediately upon shutdown
  • Decommissioning should include cost-saving approaches that save ratepayers money while assuring that the safety of the community is not compromised
  • The 12,000 acres that surround the DCPP should be conserved while allowing for managed public access
  • The amount of demolition should be reduced and as many on and off-site facilities should be repurposed as is feasible, while considering public safety, traffic concerns and the environmental quality of the region

To read the full report and submit comments, click here.

The document will be revised and updated as the panel receives additional community feedback and holds more public meetings. Other issues related to the power plant’s decommissioning that are yet to be discussed include spent fuel storage, emergency planning, and demolition and transportation of demolished materials.

The first draft of the Strategic Vision document will reportedly be included in a Triennial Report that PG&E is required to submit to the California Public Utilities Commission in December 2018.

Related coverage:
Gov. signs bills to mitigate impact of Diablo Canyon Power Plant closure