
New COVID-19 outbreak identified at county jail in Santa Maria


A new COVID-19 outbreak is impacting Santa Barbara County inmates.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office says it was discovered Saturday at Housing Unit E at the Northern Branch Jail in Santa Maria.

Fourteen cases are reportedly associated with the outbreak. Sheriff’s officials say seven cases remain as one inmate was released and six others have recovered.

Nine of the inmates reported being symptomatic, officials say.

At the Main Jail in Santa Barbara, 12 inmates have recovered following a recent COVID-19 outbreak there.

The sheriff’s office says there are still 10 active cases with one of the inmates who tested positive requiring hospitalization.

Of the 22 total cases, sheriff’s officials say only four have reported being symptomatic.

The outbreak was reportedly discovered in the Main Jail West Housing Module on May 25.

“As we identify COVID-19 positive inmates, they are moved into an area of the facility that has negative pressure cells. The remainder are placed together in small groups (cohorts) and isolated from other inmates and monitored by Wellpath for symptoms,” a press released stated.

Visitation at the jail has been suspended and court appearances are being adjusted when possibly to help minimize movement of inmates.